Portfolio: 3D Animated Safety Induction Video for Fiber based Manufacturing Industry | EFFE Animation


3D Animated Safety Induction Video: EFFE Animation Services


Ahlstrom Munksjo, a Gujarat-based fiber materials production industry, collaborated with EFFE Animation to create a comprehensive Animated Safety Induction Video to raise safety awareness among employees, visitors, and guests. The Animated Safety video demonstrated how to perform various jobs safely, as well as guest guidelines and “Life Saving Rules” (LSR). The video did an excellent job of conveying safety requirements utilizing 3D animation, which enhanced the industry’s output flow. The project had a thorough production schedule that involved consulting with the client, conducting an on-site photo-shoot, writing the tale, modeling, and animating, all of which took 60 days. The Safety Induction Video employed a story-like approach to keep viewers interested while discussing key issues such as how to use personal protective equipment, emergency escape strategies, personal safety trainings, emergency escape routes and COVID-19 awareness. The processes of production, from concept to modeling, ensured that the safety video was both visually appealing and instructional. Our project’s effectiveness was measured by its ability to attract new employees, teach them new skills, and contribute to Ahlstrom Munksjo’s safety-focused culture. EFFE Animation envisions utilizing the project in the future to educate personnel with augmented and virtual reality. Explore more at…


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