Portfolio: Revolutionizing Industrial 3D Safety Training Animation Video | EFFE Animation Company


2D Animation Industrial Safety Training: EFFE Animation Comapany


EFFE Animation, a video animation firm that is well-known for our creativity, collaborated with Reliance Industries, a company that operates in the oil and gas industry, to enhance risk management training. Reliance Industries requested that EFFE creates industrial safety induction video because it was difficult to get all of their employees involved in the planning process. The method that was utilized by EFFE Animation comprised of innovative storyboarding, cutting-edge 3D animation, and interactive scenarios in order to transform complicated safety processes into visually appealing graphics. As a result of the relationship, Reliance Industries became recognized as a pioneer in the field of chemical safety, increased compliance, and increased awareness of safety issues. The 3D animated video did an excellent job of presenting critical chemical safety standards, which contributed to the workplace becoming safer and more productive due to the increased productivity. Reliance Industries’ safety success and image in the industry were significantly improved as a direct result of the services given by EFFE Animation, which played a significant role in providing these services. Discover related content on…


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