Portfolio: Creative 3D Safety Induction Video of Reliance Industries | EFFE Animation Company


3D Safety Induction Training Animation: EFFE Animation Company


In collaboration with EFFE Animation, a leading provider of 3D Safety Induction and Training video services, Reliance Industries, a prominent player in the oil and gas business in India, enhanced their safety induction training to better address the dangers related to hot work activities. EFFE Animation created a cutting-edge 3D safety training video in order to address the challenge of convincing workers to pay attention to comprehensive safety training. The video featured dynamic learning features, visuals that were lifelike in three dimensions, support for different languages, a strategy that was focused on scenarios, and a comprehensive explanation of the dangers of working hard. The collaboration resulted in a greater number of individuals being aware of safety concerns, a reduction in the number of incidents, an increase in employee engagement, and significant time and financial savings. A focus was placed on Reliance Industries’ commitment to achieving success in the area of safety, which included setting goals for the industry and ensuring a safe and effective working environment. Together with EFFE Animation, which is widely regarded as one of the most reputable 3D modeling services, we demonstrated our dedication in developing innovative and efficient safety training. Explore more at…


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