3D Driver Safety Animation: EFFE Animation Services
EFFE Animation, a well-known video animation business, teamed with Gulf Cryo, a large Middle Eastern oil and gas supplier, to create a driver safety induction video. The goal was to increase safety awareness among drivers of gas container vehicles. The video addressed key safety practices such as human factors, tyre maintenance, and driving instructions. The project required an extensive planning strategy, which included content exchange, script production, modeling, and animation. The 3D animated video, which targeted employees and drivers, focused on real-life settings to ensure maximum involvement. Concept creation, modeling, animation, lighting, and composite were all part of the production process, which included preview videos for customer approval. EFFE Animation’s expertise in final rendering and editing resulted in a captivating Driver Safety Induction Animation Video, fostering a safety culture and minimizing workplace mishaps at Gulf Cryo. Discover related content on…